EQ: What does it mean to be an insider or an outsider?
Being an "insider" or "outsider" can mean many different things. For one, it's two separate groups that have differences that make them, in this case, enemies. In the short story Just Lather, That's All, being an insider or outsider is essential to your safety. The barber, an outsider, is a rebel always at risk of being executed. The soldier, an insider who sentences these rebels to be executed, walks into his barber shop and simply asks for a shave. The barber then has to decide whether or not he should kill him. While they are enemies, the barber cannot kill the soldier. The soldier, however, has killed many men, and has planned on killing more that very evening. That would be a big difference between insiders and outsiders in this story. To be an insider or an outsider is differences in your beliefs, morals, values, and more.
You have seen the issue of being an insider and an outsider and have given some examples from the story to expalin it. You see how both the reble and the soldier are in the situation and how your bleiefs and morals etc shape who you are. now can you look at the big picture and connect this to anything else? Also can you further develop this by bringing in evidence to support how do you know he cannot kill his enemy.( Was there something he said or thought...)